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[{"file":"mnd010","sort":"977","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd010.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.4: Betwixt","artist":"flica","summary":"In \u201cBetwixt\u201d, flica dives deep into his darkest emotion, with every sound fading, and no return."},{"file":"mnd009","sort":"978","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd009.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.3: To A Cat","artist":"D & The Compass","summary":"\u201cTo A Cat\u201d is about a companion - an imaginary cat, during the isolation period at home."},{"file":"mnd008","sort":"979","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd008.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.2: Redemption","artist":"Dae Kim","summary":"\u201cRedemption\u201d centres heavily around the original intention of music making, in isolation."},{"file":"mnd007","sort":"980","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd007.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.1: Our Season","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M's music resembles a window, for us to see and imagine the landscapes beyond, and remind us that our season will come again, for us to share and cherish.."},{"file":"mnc019","sort":"981","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc019.jpg","title":"Confidence","artist":"Memum","summary":"It is an intimate collection of the first beams of sunlight after a dark winter nestled and still under a wool blanket."},{"file":"mnc018","sort":"982","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc018.jpg","title":"Solace","artist":"Dae Kim","summary":"With a mixture of electronica, ambient and acoustic, Dae Kim is able to create songs that carries strong messages with a heartfelt innocence."},{"file":"mnc017","sort":"983","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc017.jpg","title":"Dance","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Slowly, we dance into their exquisite interweaving sounds of post-classical and instrumental pop."},{"file":"mnc016","sort":"984","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc016.jpg","title":"Happy Ending","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"Capturing moments about lost and loneliness, with his unique style of unconventional pop."},{"file":"mnc015","sort":"985","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc015.jpg","title":"weekendary","artist":"flica","summary":"Weekendary is the philosophy in which flica, the electronic ideologue, tries to communicate through his beats."},{"file":"mnc014","sort":"986","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc014.jpg","title":"Beyond","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Two reknown artists from Kyoto, one beautiful album beyond words."},{"file":"mnc013","sort":"987","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc013.jpg","title":"A Little Planet","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"The world is getting smaller. Welcome to the little planet of okamotonoriaki."},{"file":"mnc012","sort":"988","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc012.jpg","title":"For Your Home Or Office","artist":"Park Avenue Music","summary":"Park Avenue Music has made the perfect soundtrack to what happens after the sun sinks behind the horizon."},{"file":"mnc011","sort":"989","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc011.jpg","title":"Unspoken Words","artist":"Hior Chronik","summary":"This 2nd solo album of Hior Chronik, in so many generous expressions, communicates a work that is both memorable and soulful. Welcome to the world of melancholy."},{"file":"mnc010-1","sort":"990","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc010-1.jpg","title":"our little prayers (for Japan)","artist":"Various Artists","summary":"Our Little Prayers (for Japan) is a show of support from m\u00fc-nest to the Japanese people, a small gesture of love."},{"file":"mnc010","sort":"991","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc010.jpg","title":"Sonorit\u00e9","artist":"Teruyuki Nobuchika","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 3: \"Sonorit\u00e9\" by Teruyuki Nobuchika, a beautiful exploration of the possibilities of piano."},{"file":"mnc009","sort":"992","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc009.jpg","title":"Earthrise 2064","artist":"Kyo Ichinose","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 2: \"Earthrise 2064\" by Kyo Ichinose, an amazing contemporary music journey inspired by Romatic Age icon, William Blake."},{"file":"mnc008","sort":"993","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc008.jpg","title":"Peking Scene","artist":"me:mo","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 1: \"Peking Scene\" by me:mo, an elegy dedicated to the gone-but-unforgettable city of Peking."},{"file":"mnc007","sort":"994","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc007.jpg","title":"telescope","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"Here is an electro-pop musical-picturesque of intricate, weaving piano melodies, soul-tripping drum and electro sound beats, with warm synths of near ethereal beauty."},{"file":"mnc006","sort":"995","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc006.jpg","title":"The Fabric","artist":"[Post-foetus]","summary":"For joy comes from asserting the longings of the heart, the unspoken hopes, the dreams, the fantasies, the intimate moments we hold dear, and thus is The Fabric."},{"file":"mnc005","sort":"996","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc005.jpg","title":"a letter from yesterday","artist":"starke","summary":"Arriving with the warmth and brightness of the rain showers of summer, is this beautiful debut album by starke."},{"file":"mnc004","sort":"997","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc004.jpg","title":"in this nest, we found our winged tales","artist":"various artists","summary":"Featuring an exquisite international line-up of some of the most revered Folktronica and IDM musicians from around the world, including Haruka Nakamura, Akira Kosemura, and flica."},{"file":"mnc003","sort":"998","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc003.jpg","title":"weekend","artist":"rist","summary":"Like the relaxing tranquility of a well-deserved holiday, \"weekend\" merging heart-warming musical prowess with a delicate, captivating sensibility."},{"file":"mnc002","sort":"999","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc002.jpg","title":"windvane and window","artist":"flica","summary":"Thin layers of ethereal sounds create the ambience, helmed by easy-tripping electro acoustic tunes and grounded by sleek IDM rhythms."},{"file":"mnc001","sort":"1000","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc001.jpg","title":"we are all cotton-hearted","artist":"various artists","summary":"A double-CD album of futuristic electro-acoustic sounds with a gorgeous easy-listening twist imbued with unconventional pop sensibilities."}]
sort := 995 img := resource/covers/mnc006.jpg title := The Fabric artist := [Post-foetus] artistlink := postfoetus catalog := mnc006 summary := For joy comes from asserting the longings of the heart, the unspoken hopes, the dreams, the fantasies, the intimate moments we hold dear, and thus is The Fabric.
side := 01. Migration
02. Endearment Endure
03. All of the World
04. Douse
05. Hill Views
06. Physicist
07. Kiki
08. The Water
09. Felix and the Mural
10. Haruka
Buy the digital album at:
Buy the CD album at:
p*dis (Japan)
n5MD (US)
Norman Records(UK)
To enquire about distribution, please kindly email >>
Thank you.
text := Joy, true joy, is a difficult emotion to genuinely express in music. It reaches beyond those familiar poppish chords and notes and melodies, beyond a mere line of words in a set of lyrics, beyond a mere suggestion.
Yet joy is precisely what 20-year-old
Will Wiesenfeld
, a.k.a
emanates from his album,
The Fabric
, a beautifully crafted, multi-instrument emotional music playground of pure joy and absolute beauty.
A sonic adventure so pure, so genuine, so intimate yet so magnificent in all its delicate layers of inviting voices, warm sounds, playful beats and dreamy, blissful melodies, that it flows like breaths of splendid zephyrs, wondrous waves and waves of true joy from the speakers straight to that timeless place of smiles we all keep in our heart of hearts.
presents a perfectly balanced blend of classical instruments and dream-pop electronica, a vibrant sonic tapestry of heart-throbbing viola, piano, upright bass and guitar melodies trailing, cruising and ingeniously intertwined, layered with moving electronic percussions, ambient sounds and sampled voices, as well as a dreamy, expressive and honest vocal performance that wears its heart naturally on its sleeve.
This album is mü-nest's first American artiste's release. Though still deeply rooted in mü-nest's core niche of sweet, melodious electro-acoustic music, it marks an expansion to mü-nest's usual repertoire with joyous, solid sounds that holds a presence in the air while maintaining a strong emotional sensitivity.
Smiles. Smiles is what
The Fabric
would simply render.
For joy comes from asserting the longings of the heart, the unspoken hopes, the dreams, the fantasies, the intimate moments we hold dear, and thus is
The Fabric
The Fabric
press-sheet >
-- lang := 中文介绍 text := 聽完化名[Post-foetus]這位來自美國加州,只有20多歲的電音創作人Will Wiesenfeld的專輯【The Fabric】,我想起兒時一幕:拿著剃鬚刀往根本沒鬍子的臉刮去,一道血痕除了換來父母的責罵,還記載著那一夥於兒童軀體內卻急於成長的心。諷刺的是,日盼夜盼的成長來臨了,面對世道的廝磨,卻又想回到童稚時代那無憂的歲月。
(文字工作者,樂評人 - 香港)
如果用一句话来形容[Post-foetus]的处女作《The Fabric》,或许这类感叹是最贴切的。年方二十,科班背景,创作勤奋,演出积极,在等待了4张专辑和3张EP后,守得云开见月明,不仅被日本著名唱片网p*dis的三位当家人联袂推荐,更用月度销售冠军的成绩宣布了自己“首战告捷”——这位来自洛杉矶的小伙子Will Wiesenfeld完全对得起青年才俊四个字,恐怕还得再加一句“后生可畏”。想想Four Tet(Kieran Hebden),想想aus(Yasuhiko Fukuzuno),再看看他,是不是能找出点儿规律并预言什么呢。年轻,真是不可小觑的能量。
但光年轻是不够的。就像Will Wiesenfeld为 “很高兴还有大把好时光等着我”而兴奋,接下来却意识到好时光并不会当即兑现,它总在回顾时才显得弥足宝贵。有才华没什么了不起,知道珍视自己的才华,掌握运用才华的能力才真正了不起。Will Wiesenfeld做到了,他让2010年的独立电子记住了[Post-foetus],至少谈论起专辑的时候,大家会将封面上戴眼镜,双手背后,露出一脸满足笑容的微胖男孩和那些成熟、缜密、收放自如的节拍联系起来,甚至脱口哼出几节旋律。《The Fabric》首先满足了众人对新鲜靓声的需求,继而从技术上补充了“好听”以外的别致。它单纯,无论是复杂的肌理或弹性十足的结构,都竭力指向同一个目标:清爽;它又多面,轻松惬意的哼唱下,由钢琴、弦乐和层次丰满的电子音效组成的各种氛围折射出不同情绪,犹如细心切割的钻石。耀眼的、璀璨的,被攥在手心,于是变得可亲,变得质朴,变成一枚蕴藏了喜悦和祝福的秘密。
[Post-foetus]翻译成中文是“后胚胎”,一如人类某种精神状态的隐喻。他用音乐告诉你,人生的临界点到底具备了怎样的可能性。迈出这一步,就更靠近成熟,更洞悉规则,更了解本质和虚无,却难免被实实在在的压力消磨掉乐趣。但正如好时光,历经胚胎期而成长的人收获了新的视角,能够从许多杂乱无章、毫无区别地存在着的事物中提炼出值得发现的“好”。一度消失后,好时光带着温润的光泽归来了,但最重要的是,敢于踏出第一步,敢于从胚胎的保护中走出来。Will Wiesenfeld干得很漂亮,虽然稍显浮躁,但他已经处于后胚胎期,而这,显然比一张专辑的分量重得多。
(《通俗歌曲 摇滚》音乐杂志特约乐评人 - 中国)
The Fabric
英文資料文稿 >