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[{"file":"mnd010","sort":"977","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd010.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.4: Betwixt","artist":"flica","summary":"In \u201cBetwixt\u201d, flica dives deep into his darkest emotion, with every sound fading, and no return."},{"file":"mnd009","sort":"978","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd009.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.3: To A Cat","artist":"D & The Compass","summary":"\u201cTo A Cat\u201d is about a companion - an imaginary cat, during the isolation period at home."},{"file":"mnd008","sort":"979","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd008.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.2: Redemption","artist":"Dae Kim","summary":"\u201cRedemption\u201d centres heavily around the original intention of music making, in isolation."},{"file":"mnd007","sort":"980","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd007.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.1: Our Season","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M's music resembles a window, for us to see and imagine the landscapes beyond, and remind us that our season will come again, for us to share and cherish.."},{"file":"mnc019","sort":"981","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc019.jpg","title":"Confidence","artist":"Memum","summary":"It is an intimate collection of the first beams of sunlight after a dark winter nestled and still under a wool blanket."},{"file":"mnc018","sort":"982","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc018.jpg","title":"Solace","artist":"Dae Kim","summary":"With a mixture of electronica, ambient and acoustic, Dae Kim is able to create songs that carries strong messages with a heartfelt innocence."},{"file":"mnc017","sort":"983","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc017.jpg","title":"Dance","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Slowly, we dance into their exquisite interweaving sounds of post-classical and instrumental pop."},{"file":"mnc016","sort":"984","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc016.jpg","title":"Happy Ending","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"Capturing moments about lost and loneliness, with his unique style of unconventional pop."},{"file":"mnc015","sort":"985","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc015.jpg","title":"weekendary","artist":"flica","summary":"Weekendary is the philosophy in which flica, the electronic ideologue, tries to communicate through his beats."},{"file":"mnc014","sort":"986","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc014.jpg","title":"Beyond","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Two reknown artists from Kyoto, one beautiful album beyond words."},{"file":"mnc013","sort":"987","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc013.jpg","title":"A Little Planet","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"The world is getting smaller. Welcome to the little planet of okamotonoriaki."},{"file":"mnc012","sort":"988","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc012.jpg","title":"For Your Home Or Office","artist":"Park Avenue Music","summary":"Park Avenue Music has made the perfect soundtrack to what happens after the sun sinks behind the horizon."},{"file":"mnc011","sort":"989","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc011.jpg","title":"Unspoken Words","artist":"Hior Chronik","summary":"This 2nd solo album of Hior Chronik, in so many generous expressions, communicates a work that is both memorable and soulful. Welcome to the world of melancholy."},{"file":"mnc010-1","sort":"990","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc010-1.jpg","title":"our little prayers (for Japan)","artist":"Various Artists","summary":"Our Little Prayers (for Japan) is a show of support from m\u00fc-nest to the Japanese people, a small gesture of love."},{"file":"mnc010","sort":"991","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc010.jpg","title":"Sonorit\u00e9","artist":"Teruyuki Nobuchika","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 3: \"Sonorit\u00e9\" by Teruyuki Nobuchika, a beautiful exploration of the possibilities of piano."},{"file":"mnc009","sort":"992","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc009.jpg","title":"Earthrise 2064","artist":"Kyo Ichinose","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 2: \"Earthrise 2064\" by Kyo Ichinose, an amazing contemporary music journey inspired by Romatic Age icon, William Blake."},{"file":"mnc008","sort":"993","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc008.jpg","title":"Peking Scene","artist":"me:mo","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 1: \"Peking Scene\" by me:mo, an elegy dedicated to the gone-but-unforgettable city of Peking."},{"file":"mnc007","sort":"994","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc007.jpg","title":"telescope","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"Here is an electro-pop musical-picturesque of intricate, weaving piano melodies, soul-tripping drum and electro sound beats, with warm synths of near ethereal beauty."},{"file":"mnc006","sort":"995","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc006.jpg","title":"The Fabric","artist":"[Post-foetus]","summary":"For joy comes from asserting the longings of the heart, the unspoken hopes, the dreams, the fantasies, the intimate moments we hold dear, and thus is The Fabric."},{"file":"mnc005","sort":"996","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc005.jpg","title":"a letter from yesterday","artist":"starke","summary":"Arriving with the warmth and brightness of the rain showers of summer, is this beautiful debut album by starke."},{"file":"mnc004","sort":"997","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc004.jpg","title":"in this nest, we found our winged tales","artist":"various artists","summary":"Featuring an exquisite international line-up of some of the most revered Folktronica and IDM musicians from around the world, including Haruka Nakamura, Akira Kosemura, and flica."},{"file":"mnc003","sort":"998","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc003.jpg","title":"weekend","artist":"rist","summary":"Like the relaxing tranquility of a well-deserved holiday, \"weekend\" merging heart-warming musical prowess with a delicate, captivating sensibility."},{"file":"mnc002","sort":"999","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc002.jpg","title":"windvane and window","artist":"flica","summary":"Thin layers of ethereal sounds create the ambience, helmed by easy-tripping electro acoustic tunes and grounded by sleek IDM rhythms."},{"file":"mnc001","sort":"1000","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc001.jpg","title":"we are all cotton-hearted","artist":"various artists","summary":"A double-CD album of futuristic electro-acoustic sounds with a gorgeous easy-listening twist imbued with unconventional pop sensibilities."}]
sort := 990 img := resource/covers/mnc010-1.jpg title := our little prayers (for Japan) artist := Various Artists artistlink := catalog := mnc010-1 summary := Our Little Prayers (for Japan) is a show of support from mü-nest to the Japanese people, a small gesture of love.
side := 01. reform - flica
02. october sky (studio version) - Folkaholic
03. sunfleck - me:mo
04. a morning walk - Sima+Elintseeker
05. firefly dancing - hummingbert stereo
06. sleeptalking - tatmo
07. evelyn etc - Furniture
08. a cup of sunshine - sonicbrat
our little prayers (for Japan) by mü-nest
To enquire about distribution, please kindly email >>
<<. Thank you.
text := March 11, 2011. The decade’s greatest earthquake hit Japan, devastating cities, torn bodies, drown lives, crushed souls, and nearly sparked a nuclear disaster. Yet in the aftermath of humanity’s greatest catastrophes, amongst the imageries of painful tragedy, comes the greatest display of inner strength, unity, resilience, human warmth, civility and everyday gallantry this century had seen, not just by mere individuals, but from the entirety of the Japanese people, a true humanist society.
mü-nest presents Our Little Prayers (for Japan), a compilation of music gems by young, aspiring independent musicians from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China and South Korea: artists who had found great influences and inspirations from Japan’s culture-rich indie music, and received considerable support from its music fans.
Featuring new compositions and previously unreleased tracks from some of the region’s best electro-acoustic, ambient-pop and post-rock musicians, including flica, me:mo, Furniture, Folkaholic, hummingbert stereo, sonicbrat, Sima+Elintseeker and tatmo, Our Little Prayers (for Japan) represents the collective sounds of our region, expressing what we feel for Japan in the depths of our hearts with the most honest, simple, subtle but endearing sonic ventures. These are our little prayers to Japan - from an Asian, to an Asian.
Each number brings you closer to the tranquil beauty of the human soul, with floating melodies, enchanting instrumentals, delicate ambient compositions and pulsing rhythms. Reflections of our love, hope and wishes for a people who is once again set upon with the arduous task of rebuilding their home.
Our Little Prayers (for Japan) is a show of support to the Japanese people, a small gesture for us to give what we can, and a heart-felt salute to Japan for its great inspirations to our arts, music and our lives.
This is a charity compilation from mü-nest. All sales proceeds from the compilation will be donated in full to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society’s “Japan Earthquake & Tsunami” International Relief Fund. Your kind support is much appreciated.
:: To purchase this digital charity compilation, please use the player on the left of this page, or simply visit our bandcamp page >
-- lang := 中文介绍 text := 【Dosss Corner/Dosss】对于中国人,相信你对赈灾的歌曲一定不会陌生,尤其生活在香港,若有甚么天灾,最常见的情况一定是演艺界发起筹款,然后仓促找填词人把某些旧作翻新,号召众多明星,穿上同一件汗衣,声嘶力竭地在前台合唱,叫大家慷慨解囊,踊跃捐输。这种公式,甚至到了一种“没有大合唱,便没有赈灾运动”的地步。
当然,理性地说,我们都不希望有这些歌曲出现,没有人愿意看到天灾肆虐。不过,日子还是要过的,集体的力量总比单打独斗好,既然歌曲可以凝聚人心,增加善款,那又何妨多作呢?况且不少这类歌曲也成为经典,例如八十年代美国的We are the World,台湾的《明天会更好》,九十年代香港的《滔滔千里心》也不断被人传颂,甚至变成此类活动的背景音乐。我们又怎能轻易以滥情、公式化的罪名,便抺杀掉这些歌曲的意义呢?
日本于今年三月发生有记录以来最强烈的地震及海啸,全球人士在高科技的电视转播之下,目睹海浪如何好像推积木般摧毁建设,同时亦见证日本人安然有序地渡过灾难,互相扶持地走过来。各种大小的“为日本打气”的活动相继出现,而当然少不得日本的艺能界的参与,先后已有不少为日本打气的合辑出现,而着名歌手如桑田佳祐、组合Mr. Children及女歌手Chara亦制作了特别为这次地震而制作的单曲。
就在这时给我听到由马来西亚Mu-nest厂牌发表的《Our Little Prayers(for Japan)》。Mu-nest一直在华人世界推动一种结合原音(acoustic)及电音(electronica)的曲风,近年有人把这种乐风标签为Folktronica。他们集结了一众来自马来西亚、新加坡、印尼、泰国、中国及南韩的年青电音艺术家,献出全新及未公开的作品,制作成专辑。
此专辑的所有收益,将透过马来西亚Red Crescent Society’s “Japan Earthquake & Tsunami” International Relief Fund捐赠日本。
(文字工作者,樂評人 - 香港)