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[{"file":"mnd010","sort":"977","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd010.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.4: Betwixt","artist":"flica","summary":"In \u201cBetwixt\u201d, flica dives deep into his darkest emotion, with every sound fading, and no return."},{"file":"mnd009","sort":"978","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd009.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.3: To A Cat","artist":"D & The Compass","summary":"\u201cTo A Cat\u201d is about a companion - an imaginary cat, during the isolation period at home."},{"file":"mnd008","sort":"979","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd008.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.2: Redemption","artist":"Dae Kim","summary":"\u201cRedemption\u201d centres heavily around the original intention of music making, in isolation."},{"file":"mnd007","sort":"980","img":"resource\/covers\/mnd007.jpg","title":"Music For Home Vol.1: Our Season","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M's music resembles a window, for us to see and imagine the landscapes beyond, and remind us that our season will come again, for us to share and cherish.."},{"file":"mnc019","sort":"981","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc019.jpg","title":"Confidence","artist":"Memum","summary":"It is an intimate collection of the first beams of sunlight after a dark winter nestled and still under a wool blanket."},{"file":"mnc018","sort":"982","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc018.jpg","title":"Solace","artist":"Dae Kim","summary":"With a mixture of electronica, ambient and acoustic, Dae Kim is able to create songs that carries strong messages with a heartfelt innocence."},{"file":"mnc017","sort":"983","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc017.jpg","title":"Dance","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Slowly, we dance into their exquisite interweaving sounds of post-classical and instrumental pop."},{"file":"mnc016","sort":"984","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc016.jpg","title":"Happy Ending","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"Capturing moments about lost and loneliness, with his unique style of unconventional pop."},{"file":"mnc015","sort":"985","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc015.jpg","title":"weekendary","artist":"flica","summary":"Weekendary is the philosophy in which flica, the electronic ideologue, tries to communicate through his beats."},{"file":"mnc014","sort":"986","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc014.jpg","title":"Beyond","artist":"Marihiko Hara & Polar M","summary":"Two reknown artists from Kyoto, one beautiful album beyond words."},{"file":"mnc013","sort":"987","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc013.jpg","title":"A Little Planet","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"The world is getting smaller. Welcome to the little planet of okamotonoriaki."},{"file":"mnc012","sort":"988","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc012.jpg","title":"For Your Home Or Office","artist":"Park Avenue Music","summary":"Park Avenue Music has made the perfect soundtrack to what happens after the sun sinks behind the horizon."},{"file":"mnc011","sort":"989","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc011.jpg","title":"Unspoken Words","artist":"Hior Chronik","summary":"This 2nd solo album of Hior Chronik, in so many generous expressions, communicates a work that is both memorable and soulful. Welcome to the world of melancholy."},{"file":"mnc010-1","sort":"990","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc010-1.jpg","title":"our little prayers (for Japan)","artist":"Various Artists","summary":"Our Little Prayers (for Japan) is a show of support from m\u00fc-nest to the Japanese people, a small gesture of love."},{"file":"mnc010","sort":"991","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc010.jpg","title":"Sonorit\u00e9","artist":"Teruyuki Nobuchika","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 3: \"Sonorit\u00e9\" by Teruyuki Nobuchika, a beautiful exploration of the possibilities of piano."},{"file":"mnc009","sort":"992","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc009.jpg","title":"Earthrise 2064","artist":"Kyo Ichinose","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 2: \"Earthrise 2064\" by Kyo Ichinose, an amazing contemporary music journey inspired by Romatic Age icon, William Blake."},{"file":"mnc008","sort":"993","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc008.jpg","title":"Peking Scene","artist":"me:mo","summary":"m\u00fc-nest x PLOP special collaboration series vol. 1: \"Peking Scene\" by me:mo, an elegy dedicated to the gone-but-unforgettable city of Peking."},{"file":"mnc007","sort":"994","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc007.jpg","title":"telescope","artist":"okamotonoriaki","summary":"Here is an electro-pop musical-picturesque of intricate, weaving piano melodies, soul-tripping drum and electro sound beats, with warm synths of near ethereal beauty."},{"file":"mnc006","sort":"995","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc006.jpg","title":"The Fabric","artist":"[Post-foetus]","summary":"For joy comes from asserting the longings of the heart, the unspoken hopes, the dreams, the fantasies, the intimate moments we hold dear, and thus is The Fabric."},{"file":"mnc005","sort":"996","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc005.jpg","title":"a letter from yesterday","artist":"starke","summary":"Arriving with the warmth and brightness of the rain showers of summer, is this beautiful debut album by starke."},{"file":"mnc004","sort":"997","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc004.jpg","title":"in this nest, we found our winged tales","artist":"various artists","summary":"Featuring an exquisite international line-up of some of the most revered Folktronica and IDM musicians from around the world, including Haruka Nakamura, Akira Kosemura, and flica."},{"file":"mnc003","sort":"998","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc003.jpg","title":"weekend","artist":"rist","summary":"Like the relaxing tranquility of a well-deserved holiday, \"weekend\" merging heart-warming musical prowess with a delicate, captivating sensibility."},{"file":"mnc002","sort":"999","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc002.jpg","title":"windvane and window","artist":"flica","summary":"Thin layers of ethereal sounds create the ambience, helmed by easy-tripping electro acoustic tunes and grounded by sleek IDM rhythms."},{"file":"mnc001","sort":"1000","img":"resource\/covers\/mnc001.jpg","title":"we are all cotton-hearted","artist":"various artists","summary":"A double-CD album of futuristic electro-acoustic sounds with a gorgeous easy-listening twist imbued with unconventional pop sensibilities."}]
sort := 996 img := resource/covers/mnc005.jpg title := a letter from yesterday artist := starke catalog := mnc005 summary := Arriving with the warmth and brightness of the rain showers of summer, is this beautiful debut album by starke.
side := 01. a touch of moonlight
02. again
03. enter
04. leave the cat alone
05. waking up
06. in the midst
07. may
08. yet another task
09. with
10. cast away
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text := Arriving with the warmth and brightness of the rain showers of summer, "A Letter From Yesterday", the debut album by Starke, is altogether a document of that inner peacefulness, the encircling captivation of the undisturbed, and pleasant moments of everyday. Consisting of members Shunichiro Fujimoto, known for his glistening, acoustic-ambient magnificence as Fjordne, and Yushi Mori, renowned as an extremely talented and unique visionary of percussion, through bands such as ミーティア気象台 (Meteor Kishodai), Å, and Under Groove, the two artists have come together to produce an astounding work displaying tenderness, the understanding of reflection, in a comforting melody of those peaceful moments of yesterdays.
Originally created by the duo as an escape to the gloomy weekends of bad weather, secluded inside homes, Starke have created not only warmth from this solitude, but a presence of something more welcoming, of the existence of a softhearted surrounding, soaking with that imagination of wishing, of those experiences we all hope for. Field recordings and found sounds add dashes of realism into acoustic environments as they transform into moving moments, kept close, while drum rhythms swell in soft anthems of lightness, and exploration. Such is the upswing of these passing emotions, given even more consistent beauty through the beautifully-lended vocals of Fuyu, allowing everything its own place, and trace in tranquility.
Displaying an endearing spirit throughout the albums' existence, "A Letter From Yesterday" touches the moments of these endless days, whether staying in the comfort of a home, or entering the outside world. Upon visiting the outside again, after a rain, everything feels so much different, with sparkling rejuvenation, and a promising hope of the beauty for the future. Further bathed in pianos, whirls of strings and dotted with processed, soothing pops, Starke entrust listeners with their experience of amiability, character, and spirit, producing "A Letter From Yesterday", which is a just and beautiful, exemplary model of the splendor of everyday life.
Will Thomas Long
a letter from yesterday
press-sheet >
-- lang := 中文介绍 text := 架起你的耳筒,把Starke的新專輯A Letter From Yesterday在你的隨身聽內播出,然後在城市中漫遊。你會發現Starke的世界與你見到的城市輪廓何其配合:城市總在新與舊的交替中發展,但有沒有人會停下腳步,為那些逝去了的點滴作記錄?
組成Starke的兩位成員Shunichiro Fujimoto及Yushi Mori各有來歷。Shunichiro Fujimoto另名FJORDNE,專門出品優秀的ambient組曲,Starke中細密的聲響空間結構就是來自他的手筆。Yushi Mori是鼓手,參與很多電音小品的彈奏(如ミーティア気象台、 Å、 Under Groove),其俐落的節奏豐富了Starke作品的想像空間和層次。兩人的合作源自逃離週末連綿的暴雨,遂在室內製作此專輯,以期喚起雨後陽光的新鮮感覺。溫潤的結他配合偶發的琴音,在那乾淨清爽的鼓擊佈陣中糾結前行,時而出現的女聲就像要敲醒我們沉睡的回憶存庫,呼喚那些已被遺忘及即將遺忘的情感。
不要期望Starke是純正的甜美。A Letter from Yesterday,單看專輯名字,你已經知道是怎麼回事,因為回憶總是甜密與苦澀並存的。
(文字工作者,樂評人 - 香港)
它是时光流逝,记忆通过别的形式重回身畔。它是多年后被寄回,自己拆着读,亦会感到有点儿新鲜,有点儿怀疑,又略微惆怅的片段。它是“知往昔不可追”,是达观,是Starke谱下的十首短歌,A Letter From Yesterday。
这个初秋,品味独到的mü-nest一如往常,低调中为大家奉上了又一张制作精良的电音小品。它没有重复固有的甜美灵巧,而是向姿态更为质朴,编排更为深沉的旋律氛围探索。这就不得不提到Starke的幕后操手Shunichiro Fujimoto和Yushi Mori,前者以创造游刃有余的氛围音景见长,后者则擅用鼓点拓宽空间纵深——很大程度上来讲,Starke的沉淀感,便是源于他们对彼此修养的信任与了解。取长补短,取精用弘,从大量声音素材中提炼出代表着共同理念的旋律,这对双方而言都不啻为一重考验,所幸A Letter From Yesterday超额完成了任务。诚然,专辑的编曲不是以“轻”为宗旨的,但也不意味着Starke放弃了聆听性;那些缓畅、温醇、动人的音符未曾远离,而是静静潜伏于低限度框架内,似有还无,若即若离地在耳边盘旋。值得一提的是,鼓点的退让为氛围和旋律预留了更加充裕的空间,令营造出专属二人世界的“大声”变得可能。这小小的一步,看似平淡,实为精妙,若非良好的沟通,各司其职又互融互补的严谨态度,是很难将乐器的层次调理得如此和谐细腻的。真忍不住为其击掌叫好。
(《通俗歌曲 摇滚》音乐杂志特约乐评人 - 中国)
starke - a letter from yesterday
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